SWORD plays a role of a catalyst and adopts community participatory approach for Advancing the cause of the downtrodden, creating opportunity and building up their capacity.
Dreaming of a just, equitable & sustainable society where vulnerable can lead a Healthy & dignified living without any discrimination by fulfilling their basic Necessities, enjoying their rights & discharging their duties.
SWORD aims at making the disadvantaged sections of the society conscious of their Rights and duties in order to give them access of and control over socio-economic and political processes for a dignified living
Prof. Dhal has authored multiple reports on demographic transitions and Sustainable development. A comprehensive study and report for UNFAPA and the W&CD Department in Govt. of Odisha " Heath & Development - A Profiles of Adolescents and Youths of Odisha (2004) " is one of the outstanding reports guiding Govt. plans and programmes even now. He has keen interest in innovating complete solutions for India's growing aging population with Geriatric Nursing and Care for both Home Based & Institutional based through private sectors and as enterprise. His vision is to create 10000 age care nursing professions by 2036 - in the century year of Odisha. Prof Dhal is a public speaker on development issues and currently holding positions of Member Board of Director, of Jagadguru Kripalu University for devising courses on higher studies in India.
Program Manager
Centre-Head (Skill Training)
Faculty-cum-Program Assistant